
Carpe Diem Volleyball is giving out $500 scholarships to deserving young athletes. These scholarships are dedicated in the loving memories of our friends: Terry Clutter, Bill Dowell and Aleksa Albright. All three of these devoted players are sorely missed by friends and family. Their hard work, influences, friendships, and their love of the game will never be forgotten.

In order to apply:

Students must be high school seniors looking to enroll in a college or university in the fall semester.

Must participate in at least one Carpe Diem Volleyball beach tournament in the summer.

Students must complete and submit the application by August 1st

Winners will be announced on our website

After the deadline we will email the students chosen to receive the scholarship. They will then be asked to provide proof of enrollment in a college or university within a set time. If the student fails to provide proof another applicant will be chosen until all three scholarships have been awarded. We will be sending out an email to all applicants to announce the three have been chosen.

Each student is asked to answer the following questions:

What have you learned through volleyball and/or what influence it has had on your life?

(Please write 100+ words)

Do you participate in any extracurricular activities and/or community service?

Why do you deserve the scholarship?

If you have decided on a major, please explain why you have chosen it. If you have not decided on a major please tell us what fields you are thinking about and why.

Congrats to our Winners

  Previous winners

    2020 - Lexi Albright winner - Abbi Perkins

   2019  - Lexi Albrigt winner - Alyssa Lester; Bill Dowell and Terry Clutter - Aubrey Wrubel

...because excellence is an attitude.

The spirit - the will to win and the will to excel - are the things that endure